Nunhead Local Lettings

Nunhead Local lettings


Half will be available to local residents who are addressees under the Planning Consultee raduis area for the scheme through the 8-13 Candle Grove and 56-56A Nunhead Lane SE15  Local Lettings Scheme (see below), with the remaining 50% available to applicants on Homesearch.


No of units

Property size

Floor level


Service charge

Total cost



2 bed 4 person house

Fully accessible for wheelchair users

Ground Floor






3 bed 5 person house includes integrated garage

Ground Floor





3 bed 5 person house

Ground Floor





4 bed 6 person house

Ground Floor





4 bed 6 person house

Ground Floor






Terms and Conditions of the 8-13 Candle Grove and 56-56A Nunhead Lane SE15 

Local Lettings Scheme


To qualify you must:


  • Be a council tenant living within the Planning Consultation radius area and in housing need (see below).   
  • Need a home of the right size on offer (we are unable to allow downsizers to keep an additional bedroom).
  • Not owe the Council more than four weeks rent (or £50 if claiming Housing Benefit) at the point of application and of offer.
  • Be registered in bands 1-3 of the Council’s Housing List.


‘Housing Need’ means


  • A medical need to move - determined by our medical team.
  • Overcrowding caused by authorised members of your household.
  • Under-occupation and having a spare bedroom.
  • Other priority needs within the Council’s allocation scheme.


Other criteria


  • The Council’s priority star system will also apply.
  • Relatives of tenants or private tenants of leaseholders will not be considered.
  • Households will be prioritised in existing priority bands.
  • The order will be determined by tenancy start date (Planning Consultation addressee radius area) not the date of initial registration.
  • If you are registered already, there’s no need to re-register unless your circumstances have changed.


Applying for the homes


  • Properties will be advertised via Homesearch at

The new homes will be advertised as 8-13 Candle Grove, SE15 3JP and 56-56A Nunhead Lane SE15 3TU Local Lettings scheme.

  • The home page of the Homesearch website will include the rent levels and property types together with further information on the scheme.
  • Your final queue position will be decided anything up to ten days after bidding closes.
  • Households with the highest band and number of priority stars and longest residence on the Planning Consultation addressee radius area will have first refusal on the properties.
  • The Council’s refusal policy will apply for homes on these schemes.



Nunhead Green

Planning  consultation area

Buchan Road

Scylla Road

Gordon Road

Monteagle Way

Nunhead Green

Nunhead Lane

Citron Terrace

Basswood Close

Chabot Drive

Linden Grove

Candle Grove

Nunhead Grove