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Moving out of Southwark

Moving to another area

Want to start afresh somewhere new?

Perhaps you need to move to work or study, for example. Or maybe you need to move nearer to family or friends in another area to provide or receive care or support? Whatever the reason, there are now a variety of schemes to help you get to where you want to go.

Housing Moves

With the Mayor of London's new Housing Moves scheme, a move to a new area may be closer than you think…  

Housing Moves is a scheme to help social tenants in London to relocate to other parts of the capital. All council tenants and housing association tenants can apply, as long as they have a secure or assured tenancy. Priority is given to the following groups:

• people who have more bedrooms than they need and who wish to downsizeCouple moving

• people in work or training

• people who want to move to give care

Housing Moves is a choice based lettings scheme. This means that once tenants have registered, they can see details of all available properties on the Housing Moves website and can express an interest in the ones that would suit them.

The Housing Moves scheme is separate from the Homesearch scheme. So, if you are interested you will need to apply direct to Housing Moves rather than through your landlord or your borough. Your application form will be checked by your landlord before you can express an interest in properties. Please note; you will only be able to bid on properties in other London boroughs, not those in Southwark. However, you can apply for both schemes at the same time to increase your chances.

To find out more about the scheme, including how to apply, please go to the housingmoves website

Households moving from properties that have more bedrooms than they need may also benefit from our Smartmove scheme. If you are interested, please contact Smart Move Officer on 0207 525 4193 to find out if you would qualify for assistance.


Seaside and Country Homes scheme

If you are a council tenant and over 60 years of age, there are properties available through the Seaside and Country Homes scheme that could be right for you. The tenant of the household must be over 60 to qualify for this scheme.

The properties are located throughout coastal and country areas such as Cornwall in the South West, Norfolk on the east coast, Kent and Lincolnshire. One and two bedroom flats and two bedroom bungalows are included in the scheme.

Mother and Daughter imageClick here to open another window and find out more about the scheme including how to register and the areas covered.